Customer Testimonial

We were looking to build what we thought would be the perfect fire pit for our back yard. We saw photos online of what we wanted but we didn’t know what parts were needed. We gave Michelle a call at Georgetown Fireplace and Patio and she was very helpful. Not...

Cape Cod Woodstove by Lopi

Does this fit your needs?  If so, it is a super deal!   Heats from 2,000 up to 2,800 square feet Stunning brown oxford enamel Includes the patented Green Start electric built in firestarter, a $454 upgrade Uses 6″ chimney Clean burning, large glass for...

Windsor Steel Stove

Windsor Steel Stove Non-Catalytic Wood Burning Stove Featuring Convenient Ash Pan Choose from 3 different Models From $999 to $1,799 Add warmth and elegance to any décor with a steel stove featuring a lively, vibrant burn and efficient heating. This large size...