Customer Testimonial

“It was so great that you took time out of your busy day to come to our home with notebooks filled with pictures and specifications for all kinds of fireplace doors from which to choose.  Thank you for guiding me with suggestions and for allowing me to find...

Customer Testimonial

“Recently stopped by Georgetown Fireplace and Patio to shop for some outdoor furniture, met Betsy who was to become our designer.  Above and beyond expectations, she came out to our house and measured the area and once we selected furniture she laid out...

Customer Testimonial

“We were looking for outdoor furniture for our front porch.  Our major concern was not only on style but also on fabric color coordination with the house.  Terry at Georgetown Fireplace and Patio was very helpful and knowledgeable about their...

Customer Testimonial

“We’ve been toying with a wood burning stove idea for our house for years and we finally pulled the trigger. We ended up going with a Lopi Gas Stove and I cannot say enough good things about how GT Fireplace helped us decide on the right stove but, more...